Bamboo: Visualising data

Using AWS QuickSight, Snowflake and dbt to visualise data for data-driven decision making.


Data PlatformsData and AIFinancial Services


Aug 2022



The Client

Bamboo is a Perth based micro-investment company that is rapidly expanding across the globe. The mobile app allows users to make small investments in cryptocurrencies and precious metals with every transaction.

With expansion into the US on the horizon, it is now even more important to have aggregate user data readily available to make informed compliance and
product strategy decisions.

Mobile phone view of the Bamboo mobile app, and people holding mobile phones.Bamboo mobile app allows users to make incremental investments into cryptocurrencies every time they spend money

The Challenge

With a use base growing day by day it is imperative that Bamboo employees can visualise their data, perform actions for users and map trends in order to make data-driven decisions.

Prior to the new solution, Bamboo employees were providing back office services using Command Line Interface (CLI) which requires significant technical expertise.

Mechanical Rock were engaged to make supporting the back office easier for all support staff, as well as to expose valuable metrics for tracking and analysis. The dashboards had to be integrated with existing Google GSuite access and provide robust delineation between general users and administrators.

The Solution

Mechanical Rock was able to deliver a series of dashboards to Bamboo, according to specifications and designs based on user research. The solution integrated seamlessly with Google authentication to provide a single-sign-on experience for users.

The work involved ingesting additional data into the existing Snowflake warehouse. This data was then available for consumption by the dashboard that was powered by AWS Quicksight. The decision to use AWS Quicksight to visualise the data was made, in large part, due to the accessibility of the service, that removes a requirement for advanced technical ability to update and modify.

By the end of the engagement, Bamboo staff were able to consume multiple dashboards with interactive filtering and summary information to both monitor and perform tasks that had previously been time consuming and requiring special technical knowledge.

High level architecture of the series of dashboards for BambooHigh level architecture of the series of dashboards for Bamboo

The Benefits

The use of these dashboards allow Bamboo staff to proactively monitor the use of the application and respond efficiently to any requests.

By removing the reliance on ad hoc scripts, these tasks can now be undertaken without the need for specialised technical capabilities.

The visualisation of data can now inform decision making and democratizes the data across the organisation.

Trend analysis and the opportunity for further data maturity is now available to the team at Bamboo.

Laptop screen with dashboard analytics


Get in Touch

Reach out to us and a member of our team will be in touch right away.
