RWWA: The data value chain

Mechanical Rock's kickstart workshops show how a shared understanding of the current and future state data landscape, provides a solid foundation for RWWA's data strategy.


Data PlatformsData and AISnowflakeModern Data StrategyGaming


Apr 2023



The Challenge

Industry leading platform Snowflake has been chosen as the data warehouse at RWWA. However, it was noted that following the implementation there was limited adoption of the new platform. In order to ensure that the most value was obtained throughout the business, RWWA made the decision to overhaul their data strategy.

Without company wide understanding and adoption of good data practices the data warehouse would only be of limited use.

Mechanical Rock were asked to facilitate a series of kickstart workshop to build a shared understanding of the current and future state of the data landscape across RWWA, which will provide the solid foundation for their data strategy.

The Mech Rock Data Discovery Process

Following detailed stakeholder interviews, a series of virtual workshops were conducted to elicit the current and future state of data at RWWA.

Visualising the data value chain as a conceptual model of how data flows through the organisation provided a great opportunity to drive buy-in and ultimately change the culture at RWWA.

Owned at an executive level, the data value chain is an accessible model that can clearly define roles and responsibilities and ensure everyone at RWWA has a high level understanding of the role of data.

Paired with developing a robust data governance framework, and alignment of their technology to the modern data stack, RWWA will emerge as a modern data-driven organisation.

Whiteboard displaying digital post it notes about RWWA Data Value ChainThe current state of RWWA's Data Value Chain

The Benefits

A foundation for a new data strategy

The outputs of the workshops provide the basis for a data strategy that can live and evolve at RWWA.

A roadmap for implementation

Real use cases were utilised to test the future state of the data value chain and to generate a list of priority activities to form a roadmap for the implementation of the strategy.

Driving cultural change

These real, tangible outcomes, and a clearly defined data value chain will help to drive cultural change at RWWA that puts data at the centre of their business.

Whiteboard image displaying digital post it notes on predictive profilingUse case for Predictive Profiling


Get in Touch

Reach out to us and a member of our team will be in touch right away.
