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FCX: From concept to FinTech product launch in just six months

Australia’s first platform for investors, unlisted companies and unlisted funds, bringing together a blockchain-enabled registry, a capital raising capability and an investor portal.

Bamboo: Visualising data

Using AWS QuickSight, Snowflake and dbt to visualise data for data-driven decision making.

Bamboo: A simple & scalable data warehouse and pipeline

More efficient DataOps with dbt, Snowflake and Amazon Web Services (AWS).

AFG: A fully automated serverless data platform

A fully automated and self healing AWS and Snowflake platform for self service analytics.

Bamboo: Cloud native mobile app

A microinvestments platform with a serverless CQRS back end and React Native front end.

Bankwest: Building cloud native platform

A cloud native platform which enables developers to deliver secure and compliant cloud services quickly and easily.